How to Prepare Your Car for Winter: Season Guide

3 min readOct 31, 2021

If you live in an area that gets a lot of snow, driving a winter-prepped vehicle will not only boost your driving confidence but will also increase your safety on the road.

Check your car battery regularly

Extremely low temperatures can cause great damage to your car battery and ultimately shorten its service life. It is strongly recommended that you regularly check the battery before departure to ensure that it is functioning well. If it helps, here is a post I wrote some time ago about the average life of car batteries and how to extend them.

Buy snow tires and check tire pressure regularly No matter how careful you are when driving, snow tires can help you improve the traction of your car and ensure that you and the people around you are safe on the road. During your winter road trip, you will encounter many sections covered by ice and snow, so snow tires are a must for everyone. In addition, make sure your car tires are properly inflated and re-inflate when needed.

Use the right oil In winter

Low temperatures will not only reduce tire pressure but also reduce the effectiveness of the oil. This is why you should also check if you are using the correct oil for the engine and adjust the viscosity. Install wiper blades to get a clearer view If you do not live in a cold area, but go to a cold area, you must install wiper blades.

You need to maintain a clear vision at all times to reduce the chance of accidents. Inventory Equip your car with emergency supplies, such as flares, boots, first aid kit, flashlight, a bag of sand and shovel, blanket, coolant, ice scraper, battery, jumper cable, liquid, matches, washing machine, engine oil, and food tank It’s a smart move.

Replace everything that needs to be replaced

Icing is one of the main reasons why you should replace wiper blades almost every year. If you find that the belts and hoses are worn, replace them. In addition, it is also important to check the antifreeze mixture when your car has completely wintered.

No matter how cautious you are, you never know what will happen on the road this winter. The car was stuck in the snow and broke down. In this case, the most important thing is not to panic and overreact. The following are the measures you need to take in the unfortunate event of a vehicle breakdown. Try to get the car off the road

Evaluate the problem and see if you can solve it by yourself. Call 911 for help

Remind other drivers that your car has broken down

You can call the car transport or towing company at any time to arrange for your car to be sent to the nearest repair shop or your home. It is important not to leave the car alone for two main reasons. First, you might risk your life to try to walk on a highway. Second, if you are not present when the rescue arrives, the roadside service will not be able to help you repair the car. Find here more information on what to do if your car breaks down on the road.

Extra winter road trips tips

Carry a car charger for your cell phone

Make sure to have important phone numbers (relatives, emergency road service) at hand

Don’t always count on technology. Always have paper maps, besides Google maps and GPS

Avoid driving during the night

Take breaks whenever you need to

Always keep your lights on

Be extra careful

Stay hydrated

Stay positive

As long as you prepare in advance for anything that may happen, install winter protection for your car, follow all the road trip tips above, be extra careful, and be very clear about what to do if your car breaks down in the middle of the road, you will not have what to worry about.

